Welcome to the new site

Tim GrayI haven’t announced this site yet, so it’s kind of a tinkering project. But for anybody who finds it –

Hi, I’m Tim Gray. This site is a rebrand and consolidation of what I’ve previously been doing at Words That Change The World (focusing on communication skills and services) and The Upward Path (big picture blogging on social change, personal development, etc).

Why? A bunch of interrelated reasons.  

WCW really needed a new theme, to be properly responsive for portable devices and for a bit of a style upgrade. At the same time I’d been making little headway with that brand as a business – and I was fed up with writing the long domain name! I’d got a bit burned out and that had stopped me from writing anything at all, for either site.

So the hope here is to have a refresh, with more of a blogging model (as writing is one of my strongest skills), embrace my multipassionate nature (someone who’s interested in lots of things), and hopefully build more of an audience.

It’ll be a while before the design and content fully settle down, so bear with me while I tweak.

I hope you’ll like it. As content appears, do leave a comment and let me know!


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